First for my Rebekah, I made these little cuties for her to take to school for her classmates. They were time consuming to make but easy and well worth it. They got rave reviews. I found the instructions on Pinterest if you are looking for the details.

Rebekah was turning 11 and wanted to celebrate by having a few friends over for a sleepover. But every birthday requires cake and her dream cake this year was to look like a fish bowl. So here is my attempt at the fish bowl cake.
With that party over I then concentrated on Emilia's 9th birthday party. She is an aspiring veterinarian so had her heart set on a pet themed party. I contacted our local pet store to arrange for them to bring over some cute and cuddly animals. So all that was left to do was loot bags and a cake.
For the loot bags I was happy to have Emilia help me make these cute and simple bags.
Who wants a bag of sugar at the end of a birthday party? Not us. So instead I found these cute Webkinz puppies at our local dollar store. What nine year old girl wouldn't want to adopt him?
The party was a busy one so I wasn't able to take many pictures of the craft. Although a little tricky to assemble the fastener at the top, these birds in cages were a big success. Another pet to take home!
For this party the birthday girl had her heart set on a cake in the shape of a cat.
So this is what I came up with. So what do you think? Not too bad eh?
Both parties are over and it's time to take a breather.
Looking forward to a great summer with my girls.
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