
Sunday, November 9, 2014


Wow, what a busy time the last two months have been! It's hard to believe that the Evergreen Artisan Market has come and gone. It's time to reflect on what worked and what changes to make for next year.  Yes, I'm going to do it again!

Here is a picture of me at my booth. Unfortunately I didn't have the forethought to have someone take one at the beginning of the show, when I was all fresh and bright-eyed.  This picture was taken by my daughter at the end of the two days, all tired and ready to go home.

The biggest thing I learnt from my experience is that Prince Albert is not the place to sell my wreaths. So to rectify this, I'm busy trying to set up an Etsy Shop. I have been hesitating doing this for a while. I'm not sure why I've been hesitating, just scared I guess.  I just have to figure out the shipping and then my shop will be open for business.  I'll let you know when I get the courage to click that final OPEN button. 

Overall the Market was a great experience. I met some amazing people and made a little money. It's neat to think that some of my ornaments will be hanging in homes around town this holiday season. 


  1. Looking good, especially considering it's the end of the sale! Great opportunity to figure stuff out. Good luck with your Etsy store.
