
Friday, October 31, 2014

Evergreen Artisan Market

The Evergreen Artisan Market is only a week away! I have been extremely busy designing and building my display, and making product to fill it.  Since this is to be my first time selling my crafts I have little idea of what will sell. So I am trying to have a variety of things at different price points.  One of the hard things for me is to know when to stop. I have lots of ideas in my head but there is definitely no time to make all of them.  

My crafts have taken over my house.  Things are very messy but with the show getting closer I hope to shift my focus to finishing projects and cleaning up.  Everything needs to be packed up so it can be taken to the Rawlinson Center to set up next Friday.  Wow, November 7th is coming fast. 

Here are a few pictures of more products and a peek at the display I have set-up in my dining room.  This is not how things will be at the show but it gives you an idea of what I've been working on. If you are on FaceBook and/or Instagram follow me there for updates from the Evergreen Artisan Market. 


It has proven difficult to get good photos of my fireplace but here is a close-up before/after picture for you. I am very happy with the way that it has turned out. I can't wait to decorate it for Christmas. I have lots of ideas. I will try to get lots of pictures.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Product Photos

I've been busy designing my booth for the Evergreen Artisan Market. I've have a lot of ideas but time and money are going to play important roles.  I'm happy with how things are going but I'm going to have to try to be more productive over the next few weeks. The sale is only a month away!

The fireplace is pretty much done (just needs some dusting).  I hope to post some pics this week.

I put together a few promotional photos for the sale today.  What do you think?