
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rebekah's New Pink Room

It has taken quite a while but my daughter's room is now pretty and pink. The upper part and ceiling are Pink Bean and the main walls are Pinto Bean both Sico colours. 

For now a few pics from my phone will have to do.  There is still some organizing to do and the closet to paint. It's good to have her out of the guest room though and back happily in her own room. 

I replaced the large pink cabinet with a much needed workspace. The desk is an old plywood one that was given to us a while back. I gave it a fresh coat of paint and made a shelf using another piece of plywood. I painted the shelf and secured mason jar lids to the underside ends. I took our shell collection and placed them in the jars. With the jars in place I then added decorative craft tape around the edges. A perfect spot for all those Warrior books she loves so much.  Above I hung a magnet board that we livened up with a few stickers.

Removing the large cabinet meant loosing storage space. To make up for this I repurposed some old drawers by attaching wheels to the bottom and adding a new coat of paint. One of the drawers didn't have a handle space so a decorative knob was added.

It has been a lot of work but well worth it.  I wasn't sure of the light pink at first, thinking it was to bright and babyish but it looks great.  I'm very happy with it and Rebekah loves it so it's a job well done. I will post more detailed pictures once the closet is done. 

For now I have a renewed passion for old books. I made the mobile above the bed and have been interested ever since. The creative wheels are turning, watch out!

Friday, January 17, 2014


Just a quick update to say that I haven't forgotten about this blogging thing. I think about things to write all the time but don't actually write them. . . hmmm . . . I'll have to try harder.

So know I haven't finished my projects but I have been working on them. I've been a little sidetracked by cooking meals for my family. Not that I haven't done this before but I'm trying to be more mindful of the things I make and try to make them from scratch. I'm happy to report that the number of boxes of processed food in the pantry is shrinking. Yay!

So I took a few cookbooks out of the local library to help with this. One that has caught my interest is Quinoa Cuisine by Jessica Harlan & Kelley Sparwasser.

This book has opened my eyes to things like quinoa flour and flakes. I had no idea! So I checked out my local grocery store and there it is quinoa flour, just sitting on the self! Of course I bought some to try it out.

I love baking . . . because I love deserts. How else does one develop a fondness for sugar? So of course the first thing I decide to make from the cookbook is the Maple Cake on page 163. It has a bit of a nutty flavour but as long as you don't talk about it, the kids love it!

When I make this again I'm going to try using my bunt pan as the centre of this cake sank a bit after I touched it to see if it was done. Not an issue though as it still tastes good. It's a very moist cake and we liked it when it was still warm even though the recipe says to wait until it is completely cooled. I see no harm in having it warm with some vanilla ice cream. Yummy!

Also, I've been distracted by a parcel that arrived yesterday. It's some lovely yarn from a local alpaca farm, Prairie Wind Alpacas. I've been searching patterns trying to decide what to make from these lovely yarns. I just got a few balls to try it out so I'm thinking hat, mittens, cowl, something small. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Have you ever misplaced something? You know that you had it not long ago but can't seem to find it no matter how hard or how many places you look?

This was me. Our family has a vacation booked for the end of February that will require us all to have our passports. Yesterday was the girls first day back to school so I thought it was a good time to look for my passport. I hadn't seen it for a while but I knew it couldn't be too far. Although in the back of my mind over the holidays I had wondered where it had gotten off to.

So I tried all the usual places that I put things, all the places that I had seen it before, even started to look to my husband's things thinking that maybe I had given it to him. I didn't know where his passport was either so thought that maybe they were hanging out together. No such luck. I looked through everything but eventually had to turn my attention to making dinner. It wasn't until after dinner when I was doing the dishes that I remembered my earlier anxiety. I told the family that the vacation might not happen if I couldn't find the passports. My husband did a quick look while I cleaned up the kitchen. No passports but he said not to worry, 'they'll turn up."

Feeling good about having made a good meal for the family and a good cleaning of the kitchen, I decided to start again to look for the passports (I'm looking for my husbands now as well). I started back in the office and what do you know, found them both all cozy in a drawer. Sure they were hidden under lots of junk but they were there. Oh so happy!

So today I'm having a hard time getting started on my projects. I should have lots of energy giving the relief of finding the passports but alias, that's not the case.  I think part of the problem is that I have too many things that need to get done. So I'm going to focus on one (or two) things at a time. Take things slow and report on my progress here.

So first up is my daughter's bedroom. This room is in need of a new paint job and a bit of decorating. My daughter wanted a purple room but we have had a hard time of it trying to find the perfect colour. Before the holidays I suggested that she have a pink room instead. I even bought a litre and tried it on the wall. She didn't like it at first but has come around to the pink.

This is the room that is to become pink.

Next up is to make a laptop case from an old wool sweater. I received a new laptop for Christmas (well my first one) and it needs a protective case.  I've had the idea for a while but just need to get off my butt and do it.

I will report back with any progress.